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Khamenei vows support for Palestinian resistance groups

Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei addressing the crowd during an event held in Tehran on 5 February 2020 (Ahram)

Ahram Online


Iran shall support Palestinian armed groups as much as it can”, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday. He urged Palestinians “to confront a U.S. plan for (so called) Israeli-Palestinian peace”.

“We believe that Palestinian armed organizations will stand and continue resistance. The Islamic Republic sees supporting Palestinian groups as its duty”, Khamenei said in a speech carried on his website.

“So, it will support them however it can, as much as it can. This is the desire of the Islamic system and the Iranian nation”.

Last month, US President Donald Trump announced a plan to set up a Palestinian state under strict conditions but allow Israel to take over large areas of the occupied West Bank; including the long-contested illegal Jewish settlements which were built on confiscated Palestinian land.

Palestinian leaders have rejected the plan as biased in favour of Israel and ignoring the basic Palestinian National rights.

“Trump’s plan is to the detriment of America’s interest in the Middle East. The Palestinians should confront the deal by forcing Israelis and Americans out through jihad”, Khamenei’s official website said.

Tensions have spiked between Iran and the United States following the assassination of top Iranian military commander Qassim Soleimani in a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad on 3 January, prompting the Islamic Republic to retaliate with a missile attack against a US base in Iraq days later.

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