Home / News / France offers pension law compromise to unions

France offers pension law compromise to unions

Demonstrators in Paris (Egypt Independent)

Egypt Independent


The government of France proposed a compromise on Saturday, to end a crippling transport strike against pension reform. The offer is to withdraw a key proposal on raising the retirement age. But trade unions gave the announcement a mixed welcome.

The overture from Prime Minister Edouard Philippe came as protesters smashed storefronts in clashes with police in Paris. There was transport shutdown against the pension overhaul dragging into its sixth week.

French President Emmanuel Macron hailed the plan as “a constructive and responsible compromise”.

The hard-line CGT union, which has taken a leading role in the strike action, swiftly poured cold water on the government’s offer. The union called the compromise proposal “a smokescreen to get some unions to sign on” to the overall reform.

The more moderate CFDT and UNSA unions welcomed Philippe’s offer. This could enable the government to split the unions on the reforms.

An inter-union body which includes the CGT and fellow hard-line union the FO, among others, called for a new day of protest next week.

‘We are still here!’

The government’s move came a day after they met with unions in a bid to end the labour action that has frustrated Paris commuters, ruined December holiday travel plans and carved away at business bottom lines.

Demonstrators in the capital, some masked and hooded, broke shop windows along their protest route Saturday, set fires and threw projectiles at police in riot gear, who responded with tear gas.

Several stores were ransacked as marchers brandished union flags and chanted defiantly: “We are still here!” and “Macron resign”.

In one of Macron’s signature reforms, the government seeks to fuse 42 existing pension schemes into a single points-based system. It says will be fairer and more transparent. However, unions fear of seeing millions work longer for a smaller retirement pay-out.

Particularly vexing, was the proposal to impose the 64 as the “pivot age”, that people would have to work until to qualify for a full pension — two years beyond the official retirement age.

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