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Arab League urges self-restraint in Sudan

Egypt Today


The Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit called on Sudan’s parties to exercise self restraint and avoid any actions leading to escalation of tension. He warned against deviation from the peaceful path of the country’s political transition process.

The AL chief is “cautiously following up Sudan’s evolving situation”, especially the deaths of dozens of protesters reported during the dispersal of Khartoum’s sit-in on Monday, which subsequently led to the suspension of talks between the Transitional Military Council and the Declaration of Freedom and Change Forces, Spokesman for the AL Secretary General Ambassador Mahmoud Afifi said.

Abul Gheit offered condolences to the families of the dead persons and wished speedy recovery for the injured, the spokesman said.

The secretary general urged exerting utmost effort to narrow international and regional standpoints regarding backing Sudanese parties in their endeavour of fulfilling the aspired democratic transition.

He further reiterated the commitment of the League to standing by Sudan in maintaining its security, stability, as well as its effective role in the joint Arab action.

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