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Sisi: “Arabs will not tolerate security threats”

Egyptian President Al-Sisi at the Arab emergency Summit in Mecca- Egypt Today

Egypt Today


At the Mecca Arab emergency Summit in Saudi Arabia, President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi affirmed Egypt’s stance on recent regional security issues.

He said, “Egypt expresses its full support to both of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates”; regarding the latest attacks on ships in the territorial waters of the UAE, and the Houthi militias’ drone attack on two oil facilities in the kingdom.

Sisi added that “Arabs have been always calling for peace and supporting negotiations and dialogues to reach political solutions to all conflicts, but they will never tolerate any security threats”.

Sisi affirmed that “GCC countries security is an integral part of Egypt’s strategic security”, and that “Arabs should deal with the current threats through wisdom and firmness”.

The Egyptian president held also bilateral meetings with Arab and Gulf leaders at the two summits.

Saudi King Salman called for Gulf and Arab summits in Mecca on May 30, in conjunction with the 14th Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit.

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