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Tag Archives: Sweden

Three people injured in Swedish Quran burning protests

Egypt Independent Three people in the Swedish city of Norrköping required medical attention after being injured by police bullets at clashes with demonstrations protesting provocative Quran burning on Sunday. Counter-protesters attacked police ahead of planned right-wing extremist demonstrations. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson condemned the violence. “Three people seem to …

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When capital relinquishes ownership

As the ownership of firms becomes transferred to algorithmically controlled index funds, why not put their human employees in charge instead? Bo Rothstein* History shows us nothing is forever. Sooner or later, most social systems bite their tails. The saying that each system contains the seeds of its own downfall …

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‘Dar al-Iftaa’ condemns burning the Quran in Sweden

Egypt Independent The Islamophobia Monitoring Observatory at Egypt’s ‘Dar al-Ifta’ institute has strongly condemned an incident in Sweden, where a Quran was burnt by right-wing extremists on Friday, sparking riots in Malmo. According to a statement by the Islamophobia Monitoring Observatory, “far-right extremists in support of Rasmus Paludan, leader of …

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Egypt discuss cooperation in transport and road safety with Sweden

Egypt Today   Egypt and Sweden have discussed means to strengthen cooperation in transport and road safety at ‘The 3rd Global Ministerial conference on Road Safety’ held in Sweden. Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir met Swedish Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth discussed, on Wednesday, how to limit traffic-related …

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Egyptian politician Amr Moussa awarded the Swedish Polar Star

Doaa Moneim –Ahram Online The Swedish Embassy in Cairo has awarded Amr Moussa, the prominent politician and Egypt’s former minister of foreign affairs, the insignia of Commander First Class of the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star. Swedish Ambassador to Cairo Jan Thesleff presented Moussa; also a former chief …

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Egypt discuss exports increase to Sweden

Egypt Independent   Egypt’s Minister of Trade and Industry Amr Nassar held a meeting with Sweden’s Ambassador to Egypt Jan Thesleff and several chairmen of Swedish companies on Sunday to discuss increasing Egyptian exports to Sweden. Nassar added that they also talked about increasing Swedish investments and enhancing bilateral relations …

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