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Tag Archives: Iran

Tehran launches space research ‘devices’

Ahram Online Iran launched a satellite carrier rocket bearing three devices into space from the Imam Khomeini Spaceport on Thursday, according to a report by state-owned IRINN news network. The report did not specify the time of the launch nor the type of research devices and whether the rocket reached …

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Iranians protest river draught in Isfahan

Ahram Online “Thousands of Iranian protesters voiced their anger in Isfahan, after the city’s lifeline, the Zayandeh Rood River dried up due to drought and diversion”, state television reported on Friday. Farmers and citizens from across the Isfahan province took part in the protest, the largest since demonstrations over the …

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Refocus on Iran’s Behaviour

James Zogby* Once again, gallons of ink are being spilt on articles arguing for and against US efforts to secure a new nuclear weapons pact with Iran. Will Iran return to the talks? Will the US agree to Iranian terms (and vice versa)? And, at this point, do the Iranians …

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Hezbollah-Iran fuel arrives in crisis-hit Lebanon

Ahram Online A convoy of tanker trucks carrying Iranian diesel crossed the border from Syria into Lebanon early Thursday. The tanker convoy was organised by the Hezbollah group to ease crippling fuel shortages in the crisis-hit country. The delivery violates US sanctions imposed on Tehran, after former President Donald Trump …

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Empowering the people instead of the ‘Deep State’

On the eve of the 2021 Iranian presidential elections Mehrdad Khonsari discuss the struggle in Tehran for a prospective open democratic future free from the shackles of the current theocratic meritocracy. Mehrdad Khonsari In a recent TV interview with BBC Persian, I was asked by the host to explain, in …

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Khamenei backs fighting Israel, as a “public duty”

Egypt Independent Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Muslim Nations, on Friday, to “keep fighting against Israel”, which he said was “not a state but a terrorist garrison against the Palestinians”. “The fight against this despotic regime is a fight against oppression and against terrorism. It is a …

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UN Envoy to Yemen discuss crises with Iran

Ahram Online “The United Nations Special Envoy on Yemen visited Tehran for the first time to discuss Yemen’s humanitarian crisis with the Iranian government”, Iranian state TV reported on Sunday. The visit came few days after Washington’s announced ending its support for the Saudi-led military operation in Yemen. Griffiths’ office …

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The Great Power Race in GCC Cyberspace

GCC countries are caught up in Chinese-US competition over tech infrastructure. A failure to appease both powers risks endangering critical relationships. Nima Khorrami Secure and uninterrupted cyber cooperation is central to successfully fighting conventional wars, defending against hybrid threats, ensuring the security of stationed personnel, monitoring financial transactions and terrorist …

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