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Tag Archives: Amina Khairy

Technology and future governance

This year’s World Government Summit in Dubai looked particularly at how artificial intelligence can help humanity in years to come Amina Khairy   It is neither a regular annual meeting, nor is it a summit made to impress, or to transgress the expected for the sake of change. The World …

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More trends to come?

The public is increasingly being manipulated by social-media trends, but there are reasons to hope the phenomenon will not be long lasting. Amina Khairy   Trends on social media are changing the world. Part of that change is much needed and long awaited, but another part is virtual. It might …

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Returning to tolerance

After decades in which religious extremists were too often allowed to flourish, the state is now determined to see a return to an all-inclusive and tolerant Egypt, writes Amina Khairy Amina Khairy  Growing up as a Muslim in Shubra in northern Cairo, a district with one of the largest concentrations of …

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Less terrorism and more secularism

Advances made in 2018 towards greater stability and the renewal of religious discourse should continue into 2019, writes Amina Khairy Amina Khairy  The year 2018 was a much better year than the past seven when it comes to security, political turbulence and social upheaval. However, we still have a long way …

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The dress that said it all

Why is it always women and women’s clothes that come to the forefront whenever there is a row about morals in Egypt, asks Amina Khairy Amina Khairy  If it had not been for our collective shock at the uproar surrounding the dress that actress Rania Youssef wore to the 40th edition …

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From good schooling to better learning

Millions of children in the Arab world are being left behind in education, with experts concurring that a major push is now necessary to make good on the region’s deficit of learning, writes Amina Khairy   Amina Khairy   When it comes to education in the Arab world, more is never …

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Seven pillars for regaining Egypt

While regaining a lost or faded identity can be a very difficult task, Egypt is on the right road and is employing the right strategy to restore its own, writes Amina Khairy   Amina Khairy Egypt has embarked on the long-awaited mission of regaining its identity, which is a great relief to many. But relief …

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Young people of vision

This year’s World Youth Forum is bringing together young Arab men and women with striking visions for the future, writes Amina Khairy   Amina Khairy – Al-Ahram Online  The problems and solutions, headaches and cures, fears and hopes of millions of young people throughout the Arab world are still under the world’s …

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