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Tag Archives: Amina Khairy

Children are not just numbers

Are we in danger of turning our children into numbers, rather than new human lives, forgetting our responsibilities towards them? Amina Khairy Children have been finding their way onto the front pages and the main news bulletins in Egypt over the past few days. The months of September and October …

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A region needy of education

If we must have a revolution in the Arab world, let it be an educational one. Amina Khairy The early signs of a new academic year are everywhere. It is September, and the few international schools that open their doors during the last week of August are already sending their …

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The mind set of poverty

The most difficult part of tackling poverty may be changing the approach that treats poverty as a tradition to be preserved through generations in Egypt. Amina Khairy   Reports on poverty rates, poor living conditions and dire economic and social crises are a daily fact of life on planet Earth. …

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Safe swimming in fake news

Amina Khairy* Once again, fake news is under the spotlight. Even though the world wakes up every day and goes to sleep every night after devouring enormous amounts of it. When a study sends out the alarm that fake news is ruining the world, people all too often simply stop …

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Reform and resistance in education

Why has knowledge ceased to be a factor in Egypt’s educational system? Amina Khairy   Throughout the past five or even six decades, Egyptian youth have suffered from severe negligence and underestimation. They have been regarded as a headache that can be cured by painkillers every now and then. But …

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Restoring Egyptian Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan is an opportunity for Muslims to rejuvenate their lives, ruling out the race to excess that has sometimes intruded in recent years. Amina Khairy* Ramadan Kareem. The holy month of fasting; refraining from eating and drinking, among other things, from dawn to dusk has started. Without …

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Nuclear is here to stay

Participants at last week’s AtomExpo 2019 Forum in the Russian city of Sochi agreed on the need to continue building nuclear power plants and develop nuclear energy.   Amina Khairy* Between high hopes for an age when clean, convenient, carbon-free energy is available from nuclear energy and high fears that …

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Social media controversy prompt Soul-searching

Last month’s 18th Arab Media Forum in Dubai saw some striking defence of traditional and mainstream journalism Amina Khairy The 18th edition of the Arab Media Forum held on 27-28 March in Dubai was about questions, shedding light and demanding thought rather than about explanations or expectations. Over its past …

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Social media and terrorism

Last week’s massacre of people praying in a New Zealand mosque has raised questions about the responsibility of social networks in live-streaming such horrendous crimes Amina Khairy   When there was an outage of Facebook a few days ago, billions of people around the world came to a complete standstill. …

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Spring, sandstorms and women

The month of March is more and more associated with the achievements of Egyptian women Amina Khairy   Over the past few years, the month of March has increasingly become the month of women, their issues, their rights, or maybe the lack of them, as well as of Egyptian Mothers’ …

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