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Miss Belgium contestants tour Hurghada resorts

Four Belgian participants in the Miss Belgium contest at a resort in Hurghada, Egypt. (Egypt Independent)

Egypt Independent

22 Belgian participants, from various cities in their country, who are taking part in the ‘Miss Belgium’ 2022 contest, will staying in several resorts of Hurghada over the coming week.

“Entertainment programs and tourist trips will be organised for the contestants throughout the week”, the contest organisers said in a statement on Thursday.

Souvenir photographs and videos promoting tourism in Egyptian resorts, especially Hurghada, were posted on the contest’s official website. The pageants are accompanied by several representative of Belgian news outlets to cover the tour activities.

The organising committee of the Miss Belgium contest will publish ten thousand copies of a 150-page magazine dubbed “Show Magazine”.

The closing ceremony and the coronation of the ‘Miss Belgium’ will be held in May 2022 in Belgium.

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