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Egypt and Djibouti discuss African stability

Djibouti’s President Ismail Omar Guelleh (L) and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo, Egypt. (Ahram)

Ahram Online

Bilateral cooperation and regional challenges were discussed on Monday at a meeting between Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and Djiboutian counterpart Ismail Omar Guelleh in Cairo.

“We agreed on the vitality of boosting cooperation in various priority fields, which include trade, investments, industry, health, tourism, security and culture. In addition to cooperation on energy, transport, infrastructure and capacity building”, Guelleh confirmed.

Sisi highlighted the importance of ongoing efforts to establish an Egyptian logistics zone in Djibouti. He considered cooperation enhancements in transport and ports linkage and aspirations to launch direct flights between Cairo and Djibouti.

The two leadwes discussed the latest developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Sisi affirmed Egypt’s “will to reach a GERD deal within an appropriate timeframe to enhances regional security and stability based on the rules of law and the decisions of the Security Council”.

They reviewed the security situation in the Horn of Africa considering growing tensions.

“We aim to establish security and stability in this important part of our continent and intensify cooperation and coordination between Egypt and Djibouti on the Red Sea security”, Sisi said.

In a joint statement the Presidents highlighted the “responsibility the riparian countries carry to formulate policies related to this vital waterway [Red Sea] from an integrated perspective, which takes into consideration the developmental, economic, and security aspects”.

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