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AL urges international community to halt daily Israeli aggression on Palestinians

Flags of Arab nations at the Arab League headquarters, Cairo, Egypt (Ahram)

Ahram Online

“The Arab League called on the international community to put serious and real pressure on the Israeli occupation forces to stop the aggression, repressive practices and daily violations of the most basic rights of the Palestinian people within the Green Line and throughout the occupied Arab territories”, a statement by the League’s General Secretariat read on Sunday.

The statement stressed the need to compel Israeli forces to stop settlement building, confiscation, Judaization, desecration of Islamic and Christian sanctities, the practice of racial discrimination policy and the imposition of racist laws that affect the rights of Palestinians within the Green Line.

“Considering the systematic targeting of Palestinians by military force, The Arab League reaffirms its full support for the rights of the Palestinian people inside 1948 borders, and for their struggle and continuous defence of their land, rights and life in their homeland and on their land, cities, villages and desert”, the statement added.

The League also urged the United Nations and the Human Rights Council to assume their responsibilities towards the cause of pain to Palestinians which violates their basic rights guaranteed by law, charters and international legitimacy.

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