Home / News / 6.0 Magnitude earthquake felt in areas of Egypt

6.0 Magnitude earthquake felt in areas of Egypt

An image of a reading on the Seismograph measuring earthquake Richter magnitude levels (Archive) (Egypt Independent)

Egypt Independent

“The National Earthquake Network recorded an earthquake at 7:32 am local time, in the Eastern Mediterranean, of a strength more than six Richter points”, announced the head of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Gad al-Qady, on Tuesday.
The earthquake was felt by residents of several regions. “Cairo residents felt an earthquake”, Reuters news agency reported. Sky News Arabia reported that it was also felt in Lebanon.

The Egyptian National Seismic Network operates through 70 stations in carefully selected locations considering the seismic history of Egypt.

Egypt is far from seven seismic belts known worldwide. However, its proximity to some seismically active areas such as the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea has resulted in a few medium strength earthquakes over the past years.

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