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Egypt and Saudi Arabia cooperate on environmental protection

Arab Environment Ministers attend the 32nd session of their council in Cairo, Egypt. (Egypt Today)

Egypt Today

Egyptian Minister of Environment, Yasmine Fouad, vowed to implement a three-goal strategy to protect Arab countries from climate change impact, in cooperation with Saudi Arabia. The announcement was made at the 32nd session of the council of Arab Environment ministers at the Arab League (AL) on Thursday.

“The first goal tackles climate finance in a way that supports the needs of the Arab countries, especially in countries affected by water scarcity, fires, dust storms and cyclones”, Fouad said.

“As for the second goal, deals with the issue of hazardous waste”, she added. The third gaol is cooperation between all Arab countries to take advantage of all available opportunities by looking forward to Egypt hosting for UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC COP 27), which will be held in 2022.

“The council will work on supporting the United Arab Emirates to host UNFCCC COP 28 in 2023”, she continued.

Participating nations approved setting up an Arab platform for sustainable production and consumption, assigning the technical secretariat of the Arab Environment Council, to communicate with the UN Environment’s West Asia Office and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to prepare a vision for the platform in the Arab region.

“At the meeting, the council approved a recommendation of choosing Jerusalem as the capital of the Arab environment”, said the Egyptian Ministry of Environment in a statement.

The council also adopted a decision to establish the ‘Arab Environment Forum’. The council called for signing and ratifying the statute of the Arab Union for Nature Reserves.

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