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20M Egyptian vaccinated against COVID-19

Journalists wearing protective face masks at a news conference outside the Abou Khalifa hospital in Ismailia, Egypt (Ahram)

Ahram Online

“Egypt has so far inoculated citizens with over 20.1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses”, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported on 8 October.

The country has obtained a total of 60 million doses of different vaccines. Health officials target vaccinating 40 million people by December 2021. Earlier this week, 24 million school students and 3 million others at universities began their in-person new academic year, amid tightened coronavirus measures.

Egypt has made vaccinations mandatory for all those in the education sector who are above 18 years of age, including teachers, staff, and university students.

“The rate of vaccination among university staffers stands at 90%, while around 35% of university students have received COVID-19 jabs”, Minister of Health, Hala Zayed, said in a statement.

A total of 314,116 positive COVID-19 infections have been detected in Egypt, following the registration of 857 new cases on Tuesday. Egypt’s death toll has reached 17,765, while total recoveries currently stand at 264,764.

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