Home / News / AL stress concern over ‘Israeli land registry bill’ in East Jerusalem

AL stress concern over ‘Israeli land registry bill’ in East Jerusalem

Arab League assistant Secretary-General and President of the Palestine Sector and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Said Abu Ali. (Archive-Ahram)

Ahram Online

The Arab League (AL) assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Palestine Sector, Said Abu Ali, warned, Thursday, against the gravity of an Israeli draft law on Land Registry and Settlement of Rights in East Jerusalem.

In press statements, Abu Ali condemned the bill, as a part of “Israeli plots to control the occupied East Jerusalem (Al Quds), through seizing additional lands and private property under a false legal cover”.

“The legislation is part of an Israeli policy of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement in the occupied city”, Abu Ali noted.

“This scheme is a continuation of the systematic Israeli war against Jerusalem’s residents, by desecrating Islamic and Christian sacred places, carrying out massive arrests, evicting families from their houses in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighbourhoods, escalating settlement activities, and setting up expropriation projects in the city, such as the City Center project and Silicon Valley”, the statement added.

The AL official called on the international community to “own up to its responsibility and take firm stances to stop Israel from continuing to violate international law and resolutions of international legitimacy”.

He urged the international community to “take the necessary steps to implement the relevant UN resolutions, which confirm that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine and an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967”.

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