Home / News / Aboul Gheit rejects threats to instability among Nile riparian states

Aboul Gheit rejects threats to instability among Nile riparian states

Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (Ahram)

Amr Kandil – Ahram Online

“The international community will not accept any threats to the stability of the Horn of Africa or to the relations between River Nile riparian countries”, said Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Sunday, as he tackled the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) dispute.

Aboul-Gheit’s remarks came as Ethiopia is planning to go ahead with the second filling of the GERD’s reservoir next month, despite Egyptian and Sudanese objections.

Egypt and Sudan have stressed that “all options are open to preserve their water rights, which triggered concerns by the international community of a probable confrontation in the region”.

The two countries have called on the European Union, the United States and the United Nations to mediate the GERD talks.

“In case a deal is not reached and Ethiopia continues its intransigence, then there will be a new dangerous situation which will surely have consequences”, Aboul-Gheit said in an interview with Sada El-Balad.

“I wish that wisdom, calm, non-intransigence and the mutual interest of the three parties prevail”, Aboul-Gheit said, warning, “the alternative will be highly dangerous”.

He warned that the unilateral acts of Ethiopia will have a direct impact on Sudan, a matter, in which the Arab League and the international community will not accept.

“Sudan has critical concerns about the impact of the GERD filling on its water reservoirs and lakes”, the Arab League chief noted.

He stressed, “Ethiopia is legally obliged to respect the rights of the riparian countries by refraining from any procedures which may harm the downstream countries”.

“You, Ethiopia, cannot kill the Sudanese people under the pretext of achieving development”, Aboul-Gheit added.

He stressed more efforts are needed from the African Union in addition to the intervention of the EU, the US and the UN.

“Patience, determination, negotiations and expanding the framework of pressures will achieve the goal”, the AL chief highlighted.

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