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Aboul Gheit denounces Israeli aggression in Gaza

Arab League Secretary General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, chairing an urgent virtual foreign ministers meeting on the situation in Jerusalem on 11 May 2020 (Ahram)

Ahram Online

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit denounced “the Israeli shelling on the Gaza Strip, which killed 21 Palestinians including nine children”.

Aboul Gheit called the shelling on Gaza “erratic and irresponsible”, during an urgent virtual meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers held on Tuesday.

He blamed Israel for escalating the situation, urging “the international community to immediately halt the Israeli aggression in Al-Quds and Gaza”.

Israeli soldiers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, where they assaulted Palestinian worshippers. Over 200 Palestinians were injured in the clashes with Israeli police in East Jerusalem.

Tensions and violence escalated in East Jerusalem, captured and occupied by Israel in a 1967 war, amid Israeli forced eviction of Palestinian families from homes and lands ‘disputedly claimed’ by Jewish settlers.

Israeli police fired rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades at Palestinians inside and arounds  of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where most of the injuries took place, on Friday after the evening prayers.

Thousands of Palestinian worshippers gathered for prayers at the mosque and many of them remained to protest the potential eviction of Palestinian families at East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah district.

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