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Aboul Gheit calls for international support to crisis ridden Yemen

Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit (Egypt Today)

Egypt Today

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said, “the humanitarian situation in Yemen will turn catastrophic if world countries do not bear their financial responsibilities as the UN funding programs and activities are about to close down within the coming weeks over lack of funding”, according to a statement on Monday.

An unnamed reliable source at the Arab League General Secretariat told Egypt Today “the donors conference held in partnership between Saudi Arabia and the United Nations on 2 June failed to fill in the funding gaps”, the source said on Monday.

“The conference raised $637 Million, a sum which represents less than half the targeted grants and donations that are actually needed to save Yemen. The country needs $4 Billion to drag it from the drastic impact of war which devastated it”, the source added.

“About 80% of the Yemeni population depend on aid to remain alive”, the source explained. “Yemen currently represents the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world especially in light of the spread of the coronavirus”.

The source highlighted Aboul Gheit’s call for all humanitarian organizations and rich countries to swiftly extend urgent aid to keep UN programs in Yemen operational and avoid any catastrophic scenarios which might take place in the war-torn Arab country.

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