Home / News / Several casualties following a terror blast near US embassy in Tunisia

Several casualties following a terror blast near US embassy in Tunisia

People gather at the site of a suicide attack near the U.S. embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, on 6 March 2020 (Egypt Independent)

Egypt Independent


Two militants on a motorbike blew themselves up outside the US embassy in Tunisia on Friday, killing a policeman and injuring several others in the country’s most serious attack in months.

The explosion took place near the embassy’s main entrance. A Reuters journalist saw a scorched, damaged motorbike and a damaged police vehicle.

The Interior ministry said two militants were killed carrying out the attack and five police officers were injured, while a civilian suffered minor injuries. State news agency TAP reported that one policeman was killed.

“We heard a very powerful explosion … we saw the remains of the terrorist lying on the ground after he went on the motorbike toward the police”, said Amira, a shopkeeper.

Sirens could be heard on the major highway linking the Lac district, where the embassy is located, with Tunis and suburbs in the north. The US embassy urged people to avoid the area.

Roads around security installations were closed in some parts of the capital and some international institutions were put on lockdown or evacuated.

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