Home / News / Far-right gunman kills 11 in Hanau, Germany

Far-right gunman kills 11 in Hanau, Germany

The crime scene of the attack in Hanau, Germany (Egyptianstreets)



A far-right extremist gunman killed 11 in two shisha bars in Hanau, Germany on Wednesday evening.

The attack was labelled as a ‘domestic terrorism incident’, in which “the perpetrator may have been fuelled by xenophobic sentiments”; as he carried out his act in two locations known to attract an ethnic clientele.

It is one of Germany’s deadliest attacks in years, claiming the lives of eleven, including five Turkish nationals and a pregnant woman.

Authorities identified the gunman as Tobias R, a 43-year-old man, he was found dead with his 72-year-old mother; during a search in his property, where police found a confessional letter and a YouTube video.

In the video Tobias specifically addressed his message to ”Americans”, speaking of ”evil” in military bases and “invisible secret societies”.

Following the tragic incident, chancellor Angela Merkel expressed that “racism constituted a poison to German society” and offered condolences to the victims’ families.

Condemnations of the Hanau attack also came from European Parliament President David Sassoli and French President Emmanuel Macron who offered “support to Germany in its fight to uphold its values”.

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