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Egypt discuss cooperation in transport and road safety with Sweden

A congested street in Cairo, Egypt (Egypt Today)

Egypt Today


Egypt and Sweden have discussed means to strengthen cooperation in transport and road safety at ‘The 3rd Global Ministerial conference on Road Safety’ held in Sweden.

Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir met Swedish Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth discussed, on Wednesday, how to limit traffic-related deaths with the support of Sweden’s ‘Vision Zero Academy’ which introduced a new approach to road safety.

The two ministers reviewed investment of Swedish motor companies in Egypt, namely Volvo and Scania, and available opportunities for cooperation in the fields of transport and road safety; through implementing a ‘Bus Rapid Transit’ (BRT) system project.

Eneroth welcomed cooperation with Egypt in the fields of technology, road safety and the fifth generation of mobile technologies (5G).

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