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Cairo hosts learning conference in Africa and Middle East

Egypt Today


The High-Level Conference on Accelerating Learning in the Middle East and Africa began Thursday, under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah al Sisi.

The two-day event is organized by the ministry of Education and Technical Education in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the World Bank.

Minister of Education Tarek Shawky opened the conference with the attendance of Vice President of the World Bank for the Middle East and Africa Ferid Belhaj.

The conference highlights the urgency of improving learning outcomes with the aim of bring together ministers of education, UNICEF officials, policymakers, sector experts, civil society and development partners from across MENA and Africa.

The objective of the conference is sharing regional and international experiences of education reform, transforming strategies to make faster progress towards improving learning for all in collaboration among the countries of Africa and the Middle East.

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