Home / News / Shoukry participates in “The Algeria meeting” of Libya’s neighbouring countries

Shoukry participates in “The Algeria meeting” of Libya’s neighbouring countries

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry (Egypt Today)

Egypt Today


Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry affirmed Egypt’s support to Libya’s stability, calling for an inter-Libyan solution without any foreign interference.

A ministerial meeting of Libya’s neighbouring countries was held in Algeria, where Shoukry said that Turkey has caused a state of confusion in Libya. He called for abiding by the outcomes of Berlin Conference, which was held on Sunday, on Libya.

Shoukry asserted that “the meeting aims at maintaining the truce between the conflicting parties in Libya; the Libyan National Army led by Commander Khalifa Haftar and forces of the Government of National Accord led by Fayez al Serraj, to abide by the arm embargo”. He added that “Libya still has terrorist militias, besides the Islamic State militant group fighters, that should be fought”.

Shoukry discussed Egypt’s five-point vision on Libyan crisis, which aims at “forming an independent government, disarming the militias, sharing the oil revenues among Libyans and organising the Libyan army”.

Foreign ministers discussed future steps considered at the Berlin Summit on Libya.

The Berlin Conference on Libya Kicked off on Sunday aiming to conclude a truce between warring parties and paving the way for reconstruction under an elected civilian government.

The participating States in the conference pledged not to interfere in Libya’s domestic affairs.

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