Home / News / Egypt offers 90% tuition fee exemption to Sudanese undergraduates

Egypt offers 90% tuition fee exemption to Sudanese undergraduates

The University of Cairo, Egypt (Egypt Today)

Egypt Today


The Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum announced that undergraduate and graduate Sudanese students in Egyptian public universities will be exempted from 90% of tuition fees.

In a similar context, Nidaa Al-Sudan (Sudan’s Call) meetings fostered by Egypt were concluded on Monday. Its started in Ain Al-Sokhna on Saturday in order to reach an agreement on the political framework to be adopted by Sudan after the transitional phase.

Nidaa Al-Sudan is a coalition of political parties, which are the National Umma Party, the National Congress Party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement.

Earlier this month, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok paid Egypt a state visit to discuss bilateral relations and present latest developments on his country’s political scene after the ouster of Former Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir in April.

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