Home / News / Egyptian Scientist Among International Birnstiel Award Winners

Egyptian Scientist Among International Birnstiel Award Winners

Egyptian PhD student Mohamad El-Brolossy (Egyptianstreets)



Egyptian PhD student Mohamad EL Brolossy has been awarded the Max Bernsteil International Prize” by the Max Birnstiel Organization and the Pathology Institute in Vienna; for his most recent contributions to the field of molecular life sciences.

Along with two other winners, the 27-year old’s research on the occurrence of genetic abnormalities set him apart from 100 candidates competing for the prize.

Having set out to understand the reason as to why certain individuals can be affected by specific genetic abnormalities, El-Brolossy’s scientific research was conducted through animal experiments; namely mise and zebra fish models, where he identified the molecular machinery that drives the distinction.

The Egyptian-born budding scientist’s education obtained “distinguished first” grade at the German University in Cairo prior to pursing reading for higher degrees in Göttingen.

The annual International Birnstiel Award, which will be conferred; for the first time, this year on doctoral students in molecular life sciences, grants its winner a certificate, trophy and €2,000.

Most importantly the awardees are given the chance to present their findings to an international audience of distinguished biologists at the Vienna BioCenter PhD Symposium at the Austrian capital on 7 and 8 November.

The award and the foundation take their name after molecular biologist Max Luciano Birnstiel; who was the founding director of the IMP Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna. He was, previously, the chairman of the Institute of Molecular Biology at the University of Zurich.

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