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Oman and Britain sign a Partnership and Co-Operation Agreement

The Exchange of signed copies of the agreement

London – Times of Egypt:

The Sultanate of Oman signed, this morning, a co-operation and “Partnership Agreement” with Britain with the intension of developing bilateral relations between the two countries in the fields of policy making, economy, science, culture and technology.

The signing ceremony took place at the British Foreign and Commonwealth office in London. Signatories were HE Yousif Bin Alawy Abdullah, the Omani Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs and British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. HE Abdul-Aziz Al-Hanaei, Ambassador of The Sultanate to The Court of St James, and Sir Alan Duncan, Minister of State at The Foreign Office attended the ceremony.

In a brief to a limited press representation, the two signatories stated that the new agreement is “an official documentation of the already solid friendship between the two countries governments. It also serves as consolidation and development of the deep historical connections, the shared visions for a better future and enhancing the mutual interests of the two friendly peoples and their two countries”.

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