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“It Can Blow Up the Region”; Mubarak dismisses Trump’s peace deal

Mubarak with Kuwaiti journalist Fajr Al-Saeed-Al Anbaa Newspaper



Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak sat down for an interview with Kuwait’s Al-Anbaa newspaper recently to discuss a number of topics including Trump’s peace deal and the new developments occurring in the Middle East.

When asked about Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’, which is the new Middle East peace deal between the Palestinians and Israelis, Mubarak expressed his pessimism towards the deal.

“I am an optimist by nature,” said Mubarak, “but my general view on this issue is not optimistic.”

“Any solution that would be imposed on the region based on the imbalance of power will not last, and will remain a temporary solution that could explode at any moment.”

He added that his only knowledge of the deal comes from newspapers, yet noted that “these introductions are unsatisfactory,” referring to the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem, the recognition by America of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan, and the continued expansion of settlements in the occupied territories.

“Second, Netanyahu, I know him very well, he also knows me, and knows my frankness with him. He does not want a two-state solution for the sake of peace,” the Egyptian president said.

“He wants to separate Gaza from the West Bank, and he was talking to me about this issue. He visited me in late 2010, and he asked if the Palestinians in Gaza were able to take over part of the Sinai. I told him, forget what you are doing.”

“If all the people who are on the ground today undermine the two-state solution, what is the alternative? What is the political horizon?” Mubarak said, “projects, investments and cooperation? But what is the political path?”

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner revealed that the Trump administration will put forward its ‘deal of the century’ for peace in the Middle East after the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The plan is expected to concentrate on Palestinian economic development instead of political aspirations, as one senior diplomatic source told CNN.

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