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Egypt and Elsevier cooperate in education and research

Education Minister Tareq Shawqi

Egypt Today


Education Minister Tareq Shawqi said Egypt is looking forward that Elsevier; the Dutch information and Analytics Company and one of the world’s major providers of scientific, technical, and medical information – would boost cooperation with various universities and research institutions in Egypt.

He cited the government’s ambitious plan to turn Egypt into an academic hub in the region, highlighting the president’s support for the plan.

Shawqi made the remarks during a meeting here on Monday with Elsevier Chairman Youngsuk Chi.

In a statement, Shawqi highlighted the key role played by the knowledge bank in supporting the new educational system.

Meanwhile, Higher Education Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar hailed the role played by the knowledge bank in serving higher education and scientific research.

Chi welcomed cooperation with Egypt in the education technology domain, noting that this goes in line with the company’s vision, which is meant to develop education worldwide.

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