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Sisi and Kushner discuss Middle East peace

Egypt Independent


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi received senior adviser and son-in-law to President Trump Jared Kushner at his residence in Washington, DC.

Spokesman for the Egyptian Presidency Bassam Rady stated that the meeting dealt with developments regarding the Palestinian cause and the peace process in the Middle East.

Kushner stressed the importance in this context that his country attaches to consultation with Egypt as central to the Middle East region with long, accumulated experience in dealing with all concerned parties in this regard.

President Sisi affirmed that Egypt will continue to support sincere efforts to ensure a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian cause based on internationally legitimate resolutions, the two-state solution and the Arab initiative. Preserving the inherent rights of the Palestinian people as this will help shape new reality in the Middle East and achieve the aspirations of its peoples for stability, building, development and coexistence in security and peace.

In the same context, Sisi stressed the need for the international community to act to end the widespread human suffering throughout the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the Gaza Strip, pointing out recent Egyptian efforts to contain the situation in Gaza and ease the suffering of the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm.

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