Home / News / MP proposes bill to compensate Egyptian women after divorce

MP proposes bill to compensate Egyptian women after divorce

Egyptian Parliament

Egypt Independent


Egyptian MP Amna Nosseir, a professor of comparative jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University, said on Monday that she has proposed a bill to grant women an indemnity after divorce.

During a phone-in with TeN-satellite channel on Monday, Nosseir added that this proposal was highly welcomed by NGOs.

According to Nosseir, the bill stipulates that “If the husband divorced the wife after five years, the wife is entitled to take 5 percent of the husband’s income, and if the divorce came after 10 years, the wife takes 10 percent of the husband’s income.”

Nosseir said that the reason behind her proposal on an “indemnity for women after divorce” was that she met a woman crying in the street. When asked about the reason for her crying, she said that her husband divorced her and left her in the street after marriage. He told her that “your period of service ended in this house” and expelled her.

She added that she has previously called on law and judiciary officials to prepare a law to protect these women who have spent their lives in the service of their husbands without any compensation.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm.

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