Home / Ancient Egypt / This is Hussein; the Boy Who Found King Tut tomb

This is Hussein; the Boy Who Found King Tut tomb

Photo of Hussein Abdel-Rassoul (from the social media - @ancientegyptofficial)

Mohamed Raouf Badran*

This is Hussein Abdel-Rassoul. He was a water boy who helped Howard Carter and his team by running back and forth with pales of water to keep the members well quenched and hydrated. They were looking for the tomb of Tutankhamun.

While he was moving about the Valley of the Kings with jugs of water, Hussein stumbled on something and went flying. As he crashed to the ground, he peered back angrily at what had tripped him up.

He lifted himself and dusted off his clothes, then walked back over to where he had tripped.

It wasn’t a stone or a rock which had made him fall. It turned out to be a hidden step, partially jutting out of the desert sands. He prodded it with his foot and frowned. He looked up and saw someone hurrying over to see if he was ok. He pointed down at the step and right there, the team knew that something big was under their feet.

Howard Carter quickly shifted the team’s effort onto this area. A while later, they had cleared enough sand to reveal the whole stairway and the beginnings of a mud-plastered doorway.

Slowly, cartouches baring the name of Tutankhamun were found. The world would never be the same again.

In the picture, Hussein is wearing a large pectoral found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. He was 12 when this picture was taken. Tutankhamun had already been king for four years by the time he was 12 years old.

It looks ironic that a boy stumbled upon the most mysterious boy in history.

from @valleyofthepharaohs The Boy Who Found Tut
Photo: @ancientegyptofficial

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